Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Isolation Series: Aromatherapy


11x14" marker and ink on paper

I find the aromas of the autumn season particularly evocative. One whiff of the dusty scent of leaves raked into a big pile takes me back to my childhood, of rosy cheeks and leaf debris in my hair. The smoky waft of a burning bonfire calls to mind times of gathering and singing, of hot faces and cold backs and watching sparks fly off into the inky night sky above. The earthy smell of just-pulled carrots and potatoes conjure images of slow simmered family suppers. So, on this rainy October day, I pull my soup pot from the cupboard, assemble the last fruits of the garden, chop and simmer, stir and taste, and let the therapy of homemade soup take me on a journey, seasoned with the echoes of fond memories.

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