Monday, April 20, 2020

Isolation Series: Lines on a Blue Heron

"Lines on a Blue Heron"
11x14 Marker & ink on paper

The blue herons are back in our corner of the creek. If I'm lucky, I catch sight of them in flight; their great wide wings spread in a graceful whispering descent. Most times, I detect them unexpectedly - especially now, with the shoreline a fuzzy, twiggy brown backdrop. Their silvery blue bodies melt into the landscape.
Herons stay still for what seems like hours. Their reedy, stalk-like legs sometimes snake along in the water, a slow motion modern dance movement. Heads down, they watch and wait tirelessly for a meal to appear. Stillness is essential. Patience a necessity.
Blue herons teach me the value and importance of waiting. Good wisdom for these times.
Blessings to all in the daily waiting...

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