Thursday, April 23, 2020

Isolation Series - Rooted in Prayer

"Rooted in Prayer"
11x14 marker & ink on paper

The trees along the creek bank are beginning to bud. Now that the snow is gone I can visit the creek more frequently. I notice how the trees have weathered winter, the trees that have grown, the trees that have fallen, the trees that struggle to rise above the tangle of scrub with which they share space. Looking more closely, I observe the challenges these trees have creatively overcome to gain a foothold. Rocks and boulders line the creek yet the trees have managed to anchor themselves, sending sinewy roots all over the rocks. Somehow, these tenacious, woody tendrils remind me of praying, and right now all around the world a lot of people are praying. We pray to find a new footing in our hard realities. We pray to be nourished, sustained, and healed. Boulders and swift currents, and the wild unpredictable forces of nature are obstacles indeed, but together we will put out our roots and gain an anchored foothold. We will survive and thrive again. Amen.

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