Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Isolation Series: Grey Owl

"Grey Owl"
11x14" mixed media on paper

On a recent forest walk with friends we happened upon a great grey owl perched on a fallen tree. We stopped to observe this very unusual sighting. Here was a magnificent member of the Order of Strigiformes. Owl watched us, four members of the Order of Homo sapiens. Upon reflection, I couldn’t help but ponder the words I’ve read and heard surrounding Owls, their associations with wisdom, truth, guardianship, leadership, silence, and vigilance, not to mention the significance of sightings. And in keeping with many of my encounters with creatures during this covid season I couldn’t help but think how a chance encounter with the great grey owl becomes a reminder to live up to my Orders’ distinction of being sapient - Latin: for being wise, especially in this season of frustration and fear of the unknown. 

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