Thursday, August 20, 2020

Isolation Series: "Snapper"


11x14" marker & ink on paper

Appearances can be deceiving. This fact is driven home time and again by my observations at the creek. I have watched a sun bleached boulder rise up, elongate, form a sinuous neck and a pair of outstretched wings, then fly away. I have witnessed a family of nearly full-grown mallards transmogrify when doing the bottoms-up dive. Miniature dolphins emerge, beaks beckoning as tiny flippers propel them backwards in a synchronized dance: how delightful! And I have seen a monster from the depths rise to fix a hideous, reptilian eye my way. What is this that lurks in the creek, I wonder? It blinks once, twice, then becomes an old snapping turtle, clambering slowly over rocks, shellback slimed with frothy green algae. It sinks to leave a wide, silent wake of neon bubbles and foam. Move over Harry Potter, this is nature’s ancient magic.

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