Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Isolation Series: Creek Reeds and Ripples

"Creek Reeds and Ripples"
11x14 mixed media on paper

On sun-filled mornings I head to the creek early. I sit upon a rock to watch a living poem: every visit a new verse. The creek levels are dropping quickly; submerged rocks now protrude offering turtles a warm perch on which they sunbathe. If startled, they make pleasant soft plops dropping back into the creek.   Two mallards have nested on the      opposite shore. A dozen mergansers have been the newest visitors. They dine and court on the creek while herons fish for breakfast among the reeds. Sometimes a muskrat glides by, creating a soft wake with a stick gripped in its mouth. In the trees on the banks and overhanging the waters a winged chorus is being sung. And along the shore, last years’ reeds wave a final salute from the silvery ripples. Here on the busy, quiet banks of the creek, I am immersed in poetry, prayer, and peace. 

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