Monday, October 14, 2024

Wild Geese

"Wild Geese" 
12x16" oil & coldwaxmedium
The heralds of change have arrived with such a rush of descending wings and loud, ascending trumpets!
Happy Day of Thanksgiving!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Down Home

"Down Home"
10x11" mixed media on paper

Down home, red roads lead to sighing seas, sculpted cliffs, salty breezes, valleys of plenty, and the promise of rest.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Playground Ride


"Playground Ride"
oil & cold wax medium

Summer sunshine = Summer Biking = a little painting of summer fun!

Monday, April 15, 2024

Beyond the Leaf

"Beyond the Leaf"
oil on arches paper

Happy World Art Day; enjoy creation!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Fresh Snow

"Fresh Snow"
5x8 graphite drawing on paper

When April hands you snow, make art - and make snowmen. As much as I want spring to hurry up, I also want to savour the journey it takes. Fresh snow in April gives me fresh eyes: "It's like when Lucy stepped out of the wardrobe into Narnia!" my grandchildren declared.
The downiest and softest and brightest snowy blessings for April!
Next week, daffodils...

Monday, February 19, 2024

A Winter Softness

"A Winter Softness"
11x14" mixed media on paper

I’m grateful for this hesitant winter,
softened with warming spells and holy shadows.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Winter Flannels

"Winter Flannels"
8x8 mixed media on watercolour paper

Welcome day, come-what-may;
tiptoeing in with flannel greys,
corduroy clouds pleated with blue,
 rimmed with subtle golden hues

Friday, January 19, 2024

Light Offerings

"Light Offerings"
9x10" mixed media on w/c paper

Winter trees offer twiggy brown consolation with their stand tall, endure it all, reaching high to stitch the sky with hope for spring. Magically, they produce light offerings to bless the cold spaces.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Happy New Year

I have traded the big sea breaths of sibilant surf for the little creek views of home; frosty, icy, tinkling scenes and sounds. I left behind sea glass and hagstones and sugar beet-strewn sands and now walk silver trails, sugar-frosted, white, crisp, and cold. My gaze is filled with evergreens and twiggy brown branches, my ears filled with the winter songs of jay, crow, cardinal, and chickadee-dee-dee. Home. 

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Spring Flowers

8x8 acrylic on cradled panel

It's garden season wherein my creative palette expands, extending outdoors to the organic environs. We long for sun and we long for rain. Steady days of rain mean steady days creating in the studio. And even there, my thoughts are led to flower arranging. Today the sun is shining and outdoor creating is calling so I’ll leave you a pot of spring flowers to enjoy…

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Cowbird Courting

Cowbird Courting
11x17" mixed media on paper

The brown headed cowbird performs an amusing spring dance with dramatic flair. Reminiscent of a Spanish dancer, it puffs and fluffs its wings in the hope of enticing a mate. Ole! Tango, anyone?

It has been awhile since I shared any illustration artwork. A new spring season offers up new observations. Nature always inspires and appeals to my sense of humour.